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Outemzabet K. 2022: Effets de l’empoissonnement sur les communautés d’amphibiens des Préalpes vaudoises.

Keywords: Snake Fungal Disease, Ophidiomyces ophidiiocola, conservation, molecular analyses, Serology, ELISA

Joudrier N., Origgi F., Blanvillain G. & Ursenbacher U. 2022: Revisiting the epidemiology of the Snake Fungal Disease: Molecular and serological investigation in Switzerland.

Keywords: fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra terrestris, amphibians, population decline, Switzerland, conservation biology, estimation of population abundance, open population model

Reich M. 2021: Estimating population abundance of fire salamander larvae over one breeding season.
Mondoni A. 2021: Impact of invading species on biodiversity: Diet study of the green whip snake’s (Hierophis viridiflavus, L. 1789) in Switzerland.
Meier N. 2021: Lack of reproductive isolation between the two subspecies of the Green Whip Snake Hierophis viridiflavus (Squamata, Colubridae).

Salamandra salamandra

Haibach G. 2020: Influence of water quality on the larval abundance of the stream-breeding fire salamander.

Keywords: amphibians, conservation, occupancy models, Switzerland

Siffert O. 2020: The relationship between habitats and amphiban populations in amphibian breeding sites of national importance.

Keywords: de novo assembly diet analysis, European pond turtle, faecal analysis, long metabarcoding,omnivorous diet, endangered species, faecal analyses, long metabarcoding, Emys orbicularis, biodiversity, conservation, climate change, conservation, Emys orbicularis, endangered species, habitat, fragmentation, species distribution model, reintroduction, Switzerland

Ducotterd C. 2020: Ecology of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland.
Schleich M. 2020: Impacts of pesticide concentrations on amphibian development and survival in natural ponds.
Schild A. 2020: Distribution, morphology and genetics of a newly discovered grass snake lineage (Natrix helvetica ssp.) in southern and western Switzerland.

Keywords: metabarcoding, Lissotriton vulgaris, Lissotriton helveticus, habitat characterization.

Genat J. 2019: Investigating the fine scale breeding habitat use of endagnered newt species using environmental DNA from water samples.
Müller T. 2018: Modulare Betonelemente als Mittel zur Förderung der Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata).
Panziera J. 2018: Military activites and biodiversity conservation: a case study in amphibians.

Bombina variegata

Schar L. 2018: Die Gelbbauchunke im Raum Hagneck.

Keywords: conservation genetics, France, hybridisation, introgression, Emys orbicularis, Switzerland, conservation

Raemy Matthieu 2017: Hybridization between pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) subspecies in natural and human-mediated contact zones.

Keywords: amphibian, extinction risk, occupancy, detection probability, conservation, management, presence-only data, trend, monitoring

Cruickshank S. 2017: Dealing with Uncertainty in Amphibian and Reptile Population Monitoring for Conservation.

Keywords: Hanski metapopulation model, grasslands, buffer zone

Knutti J. O. 2017: Reinstating longitudinal ecological connectivity in major river restoration projects: land improvement as a tool to create a biodiversity buffer outside levees.

Keywords: Salamandra salamandra, abundance, habitat complementation, conservation, amphibian decline, habitat fragmentation, roadkill, removal sampling, Switzerland

Dosch O. 2017: Habitat complementation in a Salamander with a complex life cycle.
Süess T. 2017: Adders (Vipera berus) increase movement and shift habitat after translocation.

Salamandra salamandra

Keller C. 2016: Vergleich zweier Feldmethoden zum Monitoring von Feuersalamander-Populationen: räumliche und zeitliche Replikationsmethoden (VD).