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In natural populations, vital rates such as survival and reproduction are influenced by a complex interplay of abiotic conditions (e.g., environment), density dependence, and individual factors (e.g., phenotypic traits). Studies at the extremes of species distributions, particularly high elevations, offer unique insights due to the intensified effects of abiotic stressors, which can amplify both direct and indirect effects on vital rates.

Lenzi O., Grossenbacher K., Zumbach S., Lüscher B., Althaus S., Thoma M., Schmocker D., Recher H., Ozgul A., Schmidt B.R. 2024: Interplay of abiotic conditions, density, and body size in shaping demography in a high-elevation toad population. EcosphereVolume 15, Issue 11.

Article impact statement: Ponds built for amphibian conservation should have ≥100 m2 of water, be temporary, be located in open land, and be situated within 0.5 km of ≥2 existing populations.

Moor H., Bergamini A., Vorburger C., Holderegger R., Bühler C., Bircher N., Schmidt B.R. 2024: Building pondscapes for amphibian metapopulations. Conservation Biology, Vol 38, Issue 6.

KEYWORDS common frog and toad, Culex pipiens, deforestation, pondscape, spatial analysis, structural equation modeling, urbanization, wetlands

Perrin A., Pellet J., Bergonzoli L., Christe P., Glaizot O. 2023: Amphibian abundance is associated with reduced mosquito presence in human-modified landscapes. Ecosphere 14: e4484.
Meier N., Dubey S., Glaizot O., Schmitz A., Zambelli N. & Ursenbacher S. (2022) Where are you from? Origin determination of the introduced green whip snake, Hierophis viridiflavus (Reptilia: Colubridae), in Switzerland, Herpetological Notes 15 (2022) 335-344
Zwahlen V., Lourdais O., Ursenbacher S. & Guiller G. (2022) Rare genetic admixture and unidirectional gene flow between Vipera aspis and Vipera berus at their contact zone in western , Amphibia-Reptilia 43 181-194

Vipera aspis

Nanni-Geser S. & Ursenbacher S. (2022) Multiple paternity in the Asp viper, Journal of Zoology 318 (3) 158-165
Origgi F., Pisano S.R.R., Glaizot O., Hertwig S.T., Schmitz A. & Ursenbacher S. (2022)  Ophiodiomyces ophiodiicola, the etiologic agent of Snake Fungal Disease, is present in Europe since the late 1950’s, Emerging Infectious Diseases 28 (10)

Keywords: amphibian; monitoring; protected area; occupancy; habitat; temporary pond; terrestrial habitat

Siffert O. , Pellet J., Ramseier P., Tobler U., Bergamini A. & Schmidt B. R. 2022: Where Land and Water Meet: Making Amphibian Breeding Sites Attractive for Amphibians. Diversity 14: 834.
Duchesne T., Graitson E., Lourdais O., Ursenbacher S. & Dufrene M. (2022) Fine-scale vegetation complexity and habitat structure influence predation pressure on a declining snake, Journal of Zoology 318 (3) 205-217

Keywords: cytonuclear discordance

Voros J., Ursenbacher S., Juelic D., Tomovic L.., Crnobrnja-Isailovic J., Ajtic R., Sterijovski B., Zinenko O., Ghira I., Strugariu A., Zamfirescu S., Nagy Z.T., Pechy T., Krizsik V., Marton O. & Halpern B. (2022) Well-known species, unexpected results: high genetic diversity in declining Vipera ursinii in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Amphibia-Reptilia

Monitoring ist ein unverzichtbarer Teil des Naturschutzes, denn Monitoring informiert über den Zustand der Biodiversität und liefert so die notwendigen Grundlagen für die Evaluation der praktischen Naturschutzarbeit und für die zu ergreifenden Schutzmassnahmen. Während klassische Monitorings mittels Nachweis von Arten oder Artengruppen direkt im Feld durchgeführt werden, sind kürzlich Methoden entwickelt worden, welche Umwelt-DNA (eDNA) für den Artnachweis verwenden.

Schmidt B.R. & Grünig C.R. 2017: Einsatz von eDNA im Amphibien-Monitoring. In: Naturschutzgenetik, WSL-Berichte, Heft 60, S. 57-62.

Amphibien, Amphibienschutz, Ablassvorrichtung, Fressfeinde, Landschaftsveränderung, künstliche Gewässer, Weiherbau, temporäre Gewässer, Laubfrosch, Hyla arborea.

Schmidt B.R., Zumbach S., Tobler U., Lippuner M. 2015: Amphibien brauchen temporäre Gewässer. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 22: 137-150.

Keywords: amphibians, conservation, cytochrome-b, invasive species, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3, Ranidae

Dubey S., Leuenberger J. and Perrin N. (2014): Multiple Origins of Swiss Pelophylax. Biol J Linn Soc Lond, 112: 442-449. https://doi.org/10.1111/bij.12283
Golay Ph., Ursenbacher S., Meyer A. 2013: In Memoriam Jean-Claude Monney (1958-2012). Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. (2014) 149 : 85-99
Golay Ph., Ursenbacher S., Meyer A. 2013: In Memoriam Jean-Claude Monney (1958-2012). Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. (2014) 149 : 85-99

Keywords: GMO, monitoring guideline, agriculture, pesticide, deformation, population size, tadpole, recruitment, adult

Böll S, Schmidt B, Veith M, Wagner N, Rödder D, Weinmann C, Kirschey T, Loetters S (2013) Amphibians as indicators of changes in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems following GM crop cultivation: a monitoring guideline. BioRisk 8: 39-51. https://doi.org/10.3897/biorisk.8.3251

Amphibians, a class of animals in global decline, are present in agricultural landscapes characterized by agrochemical inputs. Effects of pesticides on terrestrial life stages of amphibians such as juvenile and adult frogs, toads and newts are little understood and a specific risk assessment for pesticide exposure, mandatory for other vertebrate groups, is currently not conducted. We studied the effects of seven pesticide products on juvenile European common frogs (Rana temporaria) in an agricultural overspray scenario.

Brühl, C., Schmidt, T., Pieper, S. et al. Terrestrial pesticide exposure of amphibians: An underestimated cause of global decline?. Sci Rep 3, 1135 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep01135

Keywords: Connectivity, Drainage, Historical maps, Landscape fragmentation, Landscape history, Land-use change, Wetland loss

Gimmi U., Lachat T., Bürgi M. 2011: Reconstructing the collapse of wetland networks in the Swiss lowlands 1850–2000. Landscape Ecol 26: 1071-1083.

Key words: Breeding site, Ditching, Ecological trap, Natural hydrology, Natural depression, Wet forest

Suislepp K., Rannap R. & A. Lõhmus. 2011. Impacts of artificial drainage on amphibian breeding sites in hemiboreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 262 : 1078-1083

Non-native fish often negatively affect amphibian populations. The sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus), a small cyprinid fish, is often released into ponds that support amphibian populations because it is thought not to consume amphibian larvae; the argument was based on diet analyses. Here, we present results from a laboratory experiment that demonstrates that sunbleak consume amphibian eggs and larvae. Mortality of eggs and small tadpoles was 100%.

Leu, T; Lüscher, B; Zumbach, S; Schmidt, B R (2009). Small fish (Leucaspius delineatus) that are often released into garden ponds and amphibian breeding sites prey on eggs and tadpoles of the common frog (Rana temporaria). Amphibia-Reptilia, 30(2):290-293.